martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019

Weather in Ibagué

Take from Ibagué

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 Ibagué is a city with a weird weather. In the morning it can be very cold and in the afternoon hot. From january to april it´s a cool weather, at that time people are very happy. 

From May to July it´s a sunny and hot weather; people in Ibagué don´t  like this weather. At that time people wear fresh clothes, such as shorts, sandals, dresses, cap, sunglasses etc.

In August is windy, people fly kites and the children play in the park. In September and October they are the rainiest months of the year and usually they dress with raincoat, wellington boots, coats, gloves and hoodle.

In November and December the first days of the month are rainy and cold; and in the rest of the months hot and sunny.

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